
   Alicante Bus Station is the perfect place to make his promotion due to the large flow of people every day through our facilities.

Can make his campaign, finding the best location that stand by their business needs.

Campaign Autumn / Winter 2013/14

1 week (7 days in a row or loose in a month) = 75 EUR + VAT

2 Weeks (or straight games in one month) = 130 EUR + VAT

1 full month = 250 EUR + VAT

Prices in effect November 2013

Campaigns broader prices should be.Contact the station itself, or questions to our staff: calling 13 965 01 04 Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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The Alicante Bus Station is not responsible for the published timetables for more information, consult the website of the operators