- Details
Nueva oficina del TAM (Transporte Alicante Metropolitano) situada en el interior de la estación.
Punto de Información de la red de autobuses tanto urbanos como interurbanos de la ciudad y el área metropolitana de Alicante.
En la oficina realiza entre otras :
-Recargas de Bonos en cada una de sus modalidades.
-Venta de Tarjetas Móbilis.
-Tramitación de la documentación necesaria para:
►Bono Jove
►Bono de Oro
-Información general de la red de transporte metropolitano, planos de las diferentes líneas, etc.
El horario de atención al cliente es de Lunes a Viernes:
- de 8:30 a 14:00 horas
- de 17:00 a 19:00 horas
El teléfono de la oficina de la Estación de Autobuses es 965 12 37 44
New office TAM (Transport Alicante Metropolitano) located inside the station.
Information Point network in both urban and intercity buses in the city and the metropolitan area of Alicante.
In office hits include:
-Refills Bonds in each of its forms.
-Sell Móbilis Cards.
-Processing the documentation for:
► Bono Jove
► Bonus Gold
General Information and metropolitan transport network, maps of the various lines, etc..
The time customer is Monday to Friday:
- From 8:30 to 14:00
- 17:00 to 19:00
The office phone of the bus station is 965 12 37 44
In addition to this office remind our users with another office in C/ Díaz Moreu Nº 6 (Rambla de Méndez Núñez esquina Av. Jaime II view map) with telephone 965 14 09 36.
Enquiries online at:
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- Details
Alicante Bus Station is the perfect place to make his promotion due to the large flow of people every day through our facilities.
Can make his campaign, finding the best location that stand by their business needs.
Campaign Autumn / Winter 2013/14
1 week (7 days in a row or loose in a month) = 75 EUR + VAT
2 Weeks (or straight games in one month) = 130 EUR + VAT
1 full month = 250 EUR + VAT
Prices in effect November 2013
- Details
The station has places to yield to:
- Campaigns and exhibitions
- cashiers
- Vending
- prepaid Cards
- books
- Watches
It is the ideal place for this kind of shops or selling services by the large daily influx of people who also have special needs.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Details
Your ad will have a BIG IMPACT as may be received by over 3,000,000 travelers and companions that a year pass through the station Alicante.
In addition to the National and International travelers, the station has a clearly Alicante Provincial character, leading the passenger traffic of the most important towns in the province of Alicante and distributing the same to other destinations and other transport.
It is for this reason that the station anyway Alicante is your ideal place to relaunch your business:
So we've made every effort to offer the new "Local Customers 2014" campaign, we take a new step to adapt to the new market needs, in any format covering our station.
Betting with attractive discounts for annual contracts, obtaining more reasonable prices.
Do not think twice, Hire us in the New Bus Station Alicante.
You can get information by downloading the file promotion **Fichero Promoción**
If your needs are larger we have a great deal THEMING, with which you will get the great impact you needed with a great price.
There are all kinds of spaces that can be tailored to your budget, simply contact us:
- In the bus station:
Addressing address located on the top floor.
Phone: 965 13 01 04
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- Agency PUBLIASA:
Avd. Denia 155
Phone: 902 10 69 92 · Fax. 965 92 27 21
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Do not hesitate any question, we will be happy to help.
If you are interested in advertising on our website, a benchmark in the provincial transportation, contact:
Estación de Autobuses
965 13 01 04
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- Details
Everything you need for your trip you will find in the Exit Store of Alicante Bus Station, located at the main entrance so you do not forget anything you will find among others:
Newspapers, magazines, coffee, soft drinks, fresh pastries, sandwiches, ice cream, pharmacy, Bono Bus TAM,snuff, books .. one wide range of products on your trip or stay in our resort lacks nothing.